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Testimony: A.F.A.I.


Name:  A.F.A.I.
Age:  17
Date:  6 August 2022
Location:  Al Jalazun camp, West Bank
Accusation:  Throwing stones

On 6 August 2022, a 17-year-old minor from Al Jalazun camp was arrested by Israeli soldiers during clashes at 4:00 p.m. and accused of throwing stones. He reports ill treatment and being denied his basic legal rights under Israeli military law. He reports being held in solitary confinement for 2 days. He was sentenced to 17 days in prison and fined NIS 1,000.

I was grabbed by about 20 Israeli soldiers during clashes with the army near the DCO checkpoint. It was around 4:00 p.m. They beat me all over my body. I was left with a bump on my forehead and bruises on my arms and legs. They beat me with the back of their guns and pushed me to the ground. 
Once on the ground a soldier handcuffed me to the back with metal handcuffs. They were so tight that my wrists were bleeding and I was in pain. I was also blindfolded before being taken to the back of a military jeep where they made me sit on the metal floor. Inside the jeep soldiers swore at me calling me "a son of a whore" and they continued to kick and beat me.
I was taken to the nearby settlement of Beit El where I was left outside a shipping container for about 15 minutes. Then I was taken to the police station in Binyamin settlement where I was left in a shipping container until around 9:00 p.m. when I was taken for interrogation.
The interrogator did not remove the handcuffs or the blindfold and I did not see his face. He told me he was a border policeman. He did not allow me to speak to a lawyer and did not inform me of my right to silence. He asked me where I was from and took my identity card. He then accused me of throwing stones at soldiers during the clashes. I denied the accusation and refused to answer his questions. He repeated the same accusation and I remained silent. He threatened to lock me up in prison for three years of I did not confess. The interrogation lasted for about two hours and I was not asked to sign any documents.
After the interrogation I was taken to Ofer prison, near Jerusalem, where I was strip searched before being taken to section 13. 
Two days later I was taken to Salem interrogation center, near Jenin, where I spent two days in a cell by myself. The cell measured about 1x2 meters and did not have any windows. On the second day I was taken for interrogation. 
The interrogator was wearing civilian clothes. He told me his name was "Fadi". He did not remove the handcuffs. He did not call a lawyer for me and did not inform me of my right to silence. He had a camera in the room.  
He accused me of attempting to kill a soldier. I denied the accusation. He was sometimes calm and at other times he was aggressive. He offered me a cigarette and brought me some food. When I denied the accusation, he threatened to keep me in prison for a long time. He questioned me for about three hours and asked me to sign documents written in Hebrew. 
After the interrogation I was taken to Salem military court. My parents were not informed and they did not attend the hearing. The military judge extended my detention.  After court I was taken to Megiddo prison, inside Israel, where I was searched in my clothes and then I was taken into the minors’ section.
I had four military court hearings. Two days before I was released I was sentenced in a plea bargain to one month in prison and fined NIS 1,000. I also received a suspended sentence of seven months suspended for three years. I accepted the plea bargain because I wanted to go home and because the prosecuted had asked for eight months in prison. The one month in prison was later reduced to 17 days.
I spent my time at Megiddo prison where I exercised to keep fit. Two days before my release I was taken back to Ofer.
I was released at Ofer on 23 August 2022, and I went home with my father. I arrived home at around 4:00 p.m. I don’t go to school but I work as a delivery man at a bank in Ramallah.