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Testimony: M.N.M.K.


Name:  M.N.M.K.
Age:  17
Date of incident:  16 February 2016
Location:  Qabatiya, West Bank
Accusation:  Throwing stones

On 16 February 2016, a 17-year-old minor from Qabatiya was arrested by Israeli soldiers from home at 3:00 a.m. and accused of throwing stones. He reports ill treatment and being denied his basic legal rights under Israeli military law. He reports being sentenced to 7 months in prison and receiving an additional suspended sentence. 

Israeli soldiers raided our home at around 3:00 a.m. They knocked at our front door and we answered quickly. They came in five military jeeps. They asked me and my father to wait outside our house while they conducted a search. They did not cause any damage. They asked me for my age and I told them I was 17. They told me I was too young to be causing trouble and I told them I hadn’t done anything wrong.
Then they blindfolded me and tied my hands to the front with one plastic tie. The tie was very tight and caused me pain and left marks on my wrists. Then they aggressively pushed me into the back of a jeep. I banged my head and hurt my foot as a result. They made me sit on the metal floor although there were seats available.
Some young men from the village heard the military jeeps and knew about my arrest so they came out and started to throw stones at the jeeps. Each time a stone hit my jeep the soldiers slapped me.  One soldier prodded me with his gun and another verbally abused me calling me "a son of a whore".
The jeep drove to a nearby village where the soldiers arrested another boy. Then they drove me to another place which I couldn't identify. I tried to lift the blindfold up to see where I was but I could not read the Hebrew on the signs. It may have been the nearby settlement of Dotan or Al Jalama, I'm not sure.
At this location the soldiers took some basic information about me, such as my name and age. A doctor also examined me. Then they made me sign a document in Hebrew which a soldier who spoke Arabic told me was a declaration that I did not have any health problems. By this time it was around 5:00 a.m.
Then I was taken to an open area and it was cold. Soldiers were eating nuts and spitting the shells at me. I was desperate to use the toilet but in the beginning they did not allow me. Then they told me I could go under a tree but I refused. I remained there until after sunset. Then I was taken to Megiddo prison, inside Israel.
At Megiddo I was strip searched and asked to crouch up and down while naked. Then they took my photograph and fingerprints and then took me into the juvenile section. The other detainees took care of me and gave me some food.
The following day, at around 7:00 a.m., I was shackled and handcuffed and  taken for interrogation. The interrogator did not inform me of any rights. The interrogator spoke Arabic and told me his name was "Safa". He offered me a glass of water but I refused. Then he started to write and when I asked him what he was writing he accused me of not trusting him and asked me whether I wanted to write myself.
He accused me of throwing stones at soldiers in the village and asked me whether I had ever attempted to stab someone and whether I knew that my friends had planned an attack. I told him I never attempted to stab anyone and that I did not know anything about my friends’ plans. I was interrogated for about three hours. Then he printed out my statement in Hebrew and asked me to sign it. I signed the statement without understanding what it said.
Two days later I was taken to the military court but my parents did not attend because they were not notified but my lawyer was there. The hearing took about five minutes. During this time a conversation went on between my lawyer and the prosecutor and the hearing was adjourned. I did not understand exactly why.
A few days later I was taken for another round of interrogation. The interrogator did not inform me of my rights. He removed the handcuffs but kept the shackles on. He turned on the air conditioner to 16 degrees which is very cold and told me there were confessions against me from other boys and named them for me. He yelled at me and told me to look him in the eye and asked me whether I wanted to become a Shaheed. Then he yelled at me and accused me of being a disgusting terrorist. The interrogation lasted for about three hours and I froze.
Then two other interrogators joined in and they started to swear at me and my village saying "fuck you and your village". They said I was a "fucking bitch". Then I was taken back to prison
A few days later I was taken to a military court and I was sentenced to seven months in prison in a plea bargain in which I confessed to throwing stones. My lawyer negotiated this bargain with the prosecutor and my parents accepted. I also was sentenced to 10 months in prison suspended for three years. I spend my prison sentence at Megiddo.
In prison I studied for my final high school exams and I got an average of 67 which was good. My parents visited me in prison twice a month. I was released on 25 August 2016 and I went home with my parents.