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Testimony: H.I.A.S.


Name: H.I.A.S.
Age: 13
Date of incident: 11 February 2016
Location: Anza, West Bank
Accusation: Throwing stones
On 11 February 2016, a 13-year-old minor from Anza was detained by Israeli soldiers at 10:00 a.m. and accused of throwing stones. He reports being denied his basic legal rights under Israeli military law. He reports being released without charge 7 hours after he was detained. 
I left school with some friends at around 10:00 a.m. because we heard rumours that there was an Israeli military vehicle nearby. My friends and I headed to the area but as soon as we arrived boys started to throw stones at the soldiers.
The soldiers chased the boys and my friends and I tried to run away but the soldiers caught and immediately detained me. They tied my hands to the front with three plastic ties: one on each wrist and one connecting the two. The ties were tight. They also covered my face with the T-shirt I was wearing and made me sit on the ground for about 10 minutes until a military jeep arrived.
They pushed me into the back of the jeep and made me sit on the metal floor. A soldier wanted to know my name and what I was doing in the area. I told him I was playing with my friends. The soldier accused me of lying then other soldiers started to swear at me calling me "a son of a whore". I was very upset and tried not to swear back at them because I was scared that they might beat me if I did.
The jeep drove for about 30 minutes and then stopped at an intersection and a commander came and started to question me. He did not inform me of any rights. He asked me why I was throwing stones at soldiers. In the beginning I told him I wasn’t throwing stones at soldiers but he told me I was a liar because the soldiers saw me throwing stones. He told me if I didn’t confess he was going to lock me up in prison. I then decided to confess to throwing stones at soldiers.
The jeep drove for a long time and made several stops on the way. At around 5:00 p.m. I was handed over to the Palestinian police who called my parents and I went home with my father.