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Testimony: A.M.F.S.


Name: A.M.F.S.
Age: 17
Date of incident: 6 January 2016
Location: Beituniya, West Bank
Accusation: Protesting/throwing stones
On 6 January 2016, a 17-year-old minor from Beituniya was arrested by Israeli soldiers at 10:30 a.m. and accused of participating in a protest and throwing stones. He reports ill treatment and being denied his basic rights under Israeli military law. He reports being released without charge 11 hours after his arrest. 
I was on my way to visit a friend at around 10:30 a.m. when there were clashes with Israeli soldiers on the main street. I looked behind me and saw a large number of soldiers chasing some boys and firing tear gas and stun grenades. The boys started to run away and so did I but I tripped and fell down and the soldiers grabbed me.
About five soldiers started to beat and kick me and then pushed me into the back of a military jeep which pulled over. They made me sit on the metal floor and the jeep drove to Ofer prison, near Jerusalem.
As soon as we arrived at Ofer a soldier handcuffed me with my hands behind my back, shackled my ankles and blindfolded me. Then they sat me down on a bench near a shipping container. I asked to use the toilet and they allowed me. I was then taken for a medical examination. The doctor removed the blindfold and put it back on when he was done. He then took me back to a courtyard where I remained for about 90 minutes before I was taken for interrogation. By then it was around 1:30 p.m.
The interrogator was a woman and there were two soldiers in the room with her, one of them was an interpreter. They removed the shackles, handcuffs and blindfold and turned a tape recorder on. The interrogator immediately accused me of taking part in a protest and wanted to know how many stones I threw. She did not inform me of any rights.
Then the interrogator wanted to know why I caused damage to the separation Wall near Ofer prison. I denied all the accusations and told her I was on my way to visit a friend when the soldiers arrested me. Then she showed me some video footage and claimed I was among the protesters in the footage. I watched the video and told her I wasn’t in the footage.
Then she repeated the same accusations and I denied them all. Then she asked me to sign some documents in Hebrew but I refused. The interrogation lasted for about an hour. At the end of the interrogation someone took my height and then shackled and handcuffed me again and took me back to the courtyard. About two hours later they brought me a sandwich and some water. I remained outside until around 10:00 p.m. when I was handed over to the Palestinian police. I went home by myself after giving a testimony to the Palestinian police.