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Testimony: L.H.D.A.


Name: L.H.D.A.
Age: 17
Date of incident: 4 April 2016
Location: Tuqu, West Bank
Accusation: Throwing stones
On 4 April 2016, a 17-year-old minor from Tuqu was arrested by Israeli soldiers from home at 2:00 a.m. and accused of throwing stones. He reports ill treatment and being denied his basic legal rights under Israeli military law. He reports being released on NIS 2,500 bail, 11 days after his arrest. 
I heard the sound of soldiers outside our house at around 2:00 a.m. Shortly afterwards they banged at our front door and my father opened up. I heard them tell my father they wanted to arrest me. I told them I was still recovering from a gunshot wound and that I couldn’t walk but they insisted. They did not give us any documents but they told my father they wanted to take me for questioning and would bring me back in a day or two. They did not tell us where they were going to take me.
The soldiers took me outside before I could grab my medicine and tied my hands to the front with three plastic ties: one on each wrist and one connecting the two. The ties were not painful. The commander asked whether I was ok and asked the soldiers not to hurt me. When he left a soldier blindfolded me very tightly to the extent that my eyes hurt. I was then taken to the back of a military jeep where I sat on the floor. While inside the jeep a soldier tightened the ties and caused me pain. When I complained he didn’t respond. The ties were so tight that my wrists were bleeding.
The soldiers arrested another person who they brought into the jeep with me. As they brought him in a soldier kicked me in the back. When I asked him why he started to beat me hard all over my body. Inside the jeep the soldiers were smoking cigarettes and flicking the ash in my face.
The jeep drove for about 10 minutes and then I was transferred to another jeep where again I sat on the floor. A doctor came and examined me. The second jeep drove for a long time and then stopped at the police station in Etzion settlement. By the time we arrived it was 8:00 a.m. At Etzion I was taken to a courtyard where I sat on the ground until around 2:00 p.m. Soldiers allowed me to use the toilet but they didn’t remove the ties and the blindfold. They also gave me some water. I was then taken for interrogation.
The interrogator removed the blindfold but kept the ties on. He did not inform me of my rights. He told me his name was "Yacoub". He told me I was accused of throwing stones at soldiers. He then showed me old photographs for which I had served a prison sentence in the past. I told him it doesn’t make sense that I would be arrested again for an offence I had already been punished for. He told me to shut up and called me "a son of a whore". The interrogation lasted for about two hours.
A second interrogator then took part in questioning me and the two of them alternated. At one point the two were in the room together. Yacoub would stand over my head and scream at me telling me to confess. Half way through the interrogation he phoned a lawyer and allowed me to speak to him. The lawyer told me to remain silent.
The interrogator then printed out my statement in Hebrew and asked me to sign it but I refused to sign. He then took my photograph and my fingerprints and soldiers strip searched me and took me to a cell where I remained until around 7:00 p.m. They ties were removed inside the cell.
At around 7:00 p.m. I was handcuffed and shackled and taken to the back of a troop carrier. The troop carrier drove for a long time until we finally arrived at Ofer prison, near Jerusalem. We arrived at around 11:00 p.m. At Ofer I was strip searched and taken into Section 13.
Three days later I was taken to Ofer military court. My parents were in court and I was allowed to speak to them. A lawyer was there too. The hearing was adjourned. At the second hearing I was released on bail of NIS 2,500. I was released on 14 April 2016, and I went home with my parents. I arrived home at around 8:00 p.m.