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Testimony: S.O.S.K.


Name: S.O.S.K.
Age: 13
Date of incident: 29 February 2016
Location: Silwad, West Bank
Accusation: Throwing stones
On 29 February 2016, a 13-year-old minor from Silwad was detained by Israeli soldiers at 4:00 p.m. while walking along a road and accused of throwing stones. He reports ill treatment and being denied his basic legal rights under Israeli military law. He reports being released without charge 3 hours after he was detained. 
I was arrested on the main street at around 4:00 p.m. I was walking towards the cemetery to visit my grandfather’s grave when I saw about 10 Israeli soldiers in the area. I did not run away because I wasn’t doing anything wrong but the soldiers approached me and arrested me.
A soldier immediately started to beat me without any explanation. I was beaten all over my body and I was in severe pain. I screamed out of pain but they continued to beat me. It was as though the soldiers were just having fun beating me. They also verbally abused me and called me "a fucker son of a whore". They also said things to me in Hebrew which I didn’t understand.
After a while a military jeep pulled over and the commander took me aside and started to question me. He did not inform me of any rights. One of the soldiers then tied my hands to the back with one plastic tie. The tie was not painful. He also blindfolded me and pushed me into the jeep.
The commander wanted to know why I was by myself in that area and whether I was throwing stones. He also asked me if I knew any of the boys who take part in the Friday protests. I denied all the accusation and told him I didn’t know anyone who protests on Fridays. He asked me the same questions over and over again for about an hour. At one point he was frustrated and started to ask me the questions in a loud voice insisting that I give him names of boys. When I denied knowing any of the boys who throw stones his voice got louder and louder.
I was then taken out of the jeep and the jeep drove away. The soldiers kept me by the side of the road for about an hour. Another jeep arrived and I was put in the back of the jeep and made to sit on the floor. The jeep drove for about an hour and then stopped at a place which I didn’t recognize. During the trip soldiers stepped on my feet and kicked and slapped me.
When we stopped I was taken out of the jeep and made to sit on the side of the road for about 30 minutes. After 30 minutes I was put back in the jeep which drove to a deserted area where they took me out and started to beat me again. Then they threw me on the ground and a soldier removed the tie and blinfold and the jeep drove away. I was left alone in the deserted area and it was dark and I was scared. It was around 7:30 p.m.
When the jeep was far enough away I started to walk and I luckily saw the main road. I managed to stop a Palestinian car and I told the driver the story. The driver talked to my family and told them where I was and my father and brother came and picked me up. I arrived home with them at around 9:00 p.m.