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Testimony: K.Y.H.I.


Name: K.Y.H.I.
Age: 16
Date of incident: 17 January 2016
Location: Beit Ummar, West Bank
Accusation: Throwing stones/Molotovs
On 17 January 2016, a 16-year-old minor from Beit Ummar was arrested by Israeli soldiers from home at 3:00 a.m. and accused of throwing stones and Molotov cocktails. He reports consulting with a lawyer prior to interrogation but not being informed of his right to silence by the interrogator. He reports being released 7 days later. 
I woke up to the sound of banging at our front door. It was around 3:00 a.m. Israeli soldiers then entered our home and asked to see our identity cards. When I told them I didn’t have one yet they asked for my name and they told me to get dressed because I was under arrest. They gave my father a document saying they wanted to arrest me because I was accused of throwing stones at soldiers and that they were going to take me for questioning at Etzion police station.
As soon as I got dressed they took me outside and tied my hands to the back with one plastic tie which was very tight and painful. Then they made me run towards the nearby settlement of Karmi Zur which is about two kilometers away from our house. I ran for about five minutes and then they made me walk for another 10 minutes.
As soon as we arrived at the settlement the soldiers blindfolded me and put me in the back of a jeep where they made me sit on the metal floor. The jeep drove for about 15 minutes to the police station in Etzion settlement where I was taken for a medical examination. The doctor removed the blindfold and put it back on when he was done. I was then taken into a large room where I sat on the floor and fell asleep. At around 7:00 a.m. I was taken for interrogation.
The interrogator wore civilian clothes. He removed the tie and the blindfold. He asked me for my name and wanted to know how the last few weeks were for me. I told him everything was fine. He then started looking at his computer for my file but I don’t think he found it. He then took me to see another interrogator.
The second interrogator was also in civilian clothes. Before he started to interrogate me he told me he was going to allow me to speak to my family. He called my father and allowed me to speak to him. The interrogator then asked my father for a number for a lawyer and my father gave him a number. The interrogator called the lawyer and allowed me to speak to him. The lawyer told me to remain silent and not to sign any documents which I didn’t understand. The interrogartor did not inform me of my right to silence. 
The interrogator then accused me of throwing stones at soldiers and showed me a picture and claimed it was of me throwing stones. I denied that it was me. The interrogation lasted for about two hours. The whole time he was trying to get a confession from me. At a certain point he also accused me of throwing Molotov cocktail at soldiers as if he added this more serious accusation to make me confess to the lesser one of throwing stones. I continued to deny the accusation. He then told me there were confessions from other boys against me. I asked him to bring the boys but he told me the boys were in Ofer prison.
He then printed out my statement in Hebrew and asked me to sign it. I signed it after he translated it for me. He then took my photograph and my fingerprints and then brought me some food and allowed me to use the toilet. I was then strip searched and taken to a cell at Etzion where I remained for about two hours. Soldiers then handcuffed me to the front and shackled me and took me to a troop carrier and made me sit on a seat. The carrier drove for about two hours to Ofer prison, near Jerusalem. At Ofer prison I was strip searched and taken to Section 13.
Three days later I was taken to Ofer military court. My parents and a lawyer were in court and the hearing was adjourned. I was released from prison before the next hearing. I was released on 23 January 2016, at around 7:00 p.m. I took a taxi home by myself because my parents were not informed of my release. I arrived home at around 9:00 p.m. I don’t know whether my file had been closed or not and I don’t know whether I will appear in court again or not.