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Testimony: A.M.B.


Name:  A.M.B.
Age:  16
Date of incident:  28 November 2015
Location:  Al Bireh, West Bank
Accusation:  Throwing stones

On 28 November 2015, a 16-year-old minor from Al Bireh was detained by Israeli soldiers at 4:00 p.m. and accused of throwing stones. He reports ill treatment and being denied his basic legal rights under Israeli military law. He reports being released without charge 45 minutes after he was detained. 

I was standing outside a pharmacy after I had bought some things from the supermarket. It was around 4:00 p.m. Suddenly a boy went running by and disappeared very quickly. I did not comprehend what was going on but within seconds an Israeli military jeep appeared and I realised they were chasing the boy.
When the soldiers stepped out of the jeep there was no one on the street except me. I tried to run away but the soldiers fired a stun grenade at me and I was terrified and became confused. I bumped into a parked car and then into the wall and could not run away. One of the soldiers grabbed me and dragged me to the jeep. When I tried to sit on the seat a soldier hit me hard and forced me to sit on the metal floor.
While the vehicle drove around town the soldiers in the back of the jeep beat me all over my body. Then boys started to throw stones at the jeep and a soldier stepped out and started to fire tear gas and rubber bullets at the boys. I was scared and couldn’t predict what was going to happen. An hour later the jeep arrived at Pesagot settlement. I was taken out and a soldier asked me why I throw stones at soldiers and started to beat me hard and to kick me. Another soldier joined him.
About 10 minutes later my father arrived at the settlement in his car and stood outside the gate. The soldiers told him to keep away and one of the soldiers aimed his gun at him. My father stepped back and the soldiers tied my hands in front of me with one plastic tie which was not painful and they also tied my legs with a plastic tie.
The commander went to talk to my father and started to question him about the reason why he was there. My father told the commander I was innocent and I didn’t throw stones at them. He told them he had sent me to do some shopping. The commander shouted back at my father and tried to scare him away. Then they started to search him and to search the car. They removed the stereo out of its place and put it aside. Then they told my father if I ever get arrested again they would detain me for a long time and my future would be destroyed.
The commander then started to question me. He told me he was going to forgive me this time but next time he was going to put me in prison. I told him I was innocent and didn’t throw stones but he kept questioning me about throwing stones. I was sitting on the ground with my hands and my legs tied. Then the commander ordered the soldiers to untie me and to hand me over to my father. By this time it was around 4:45 p.m.
As I approached my father a soldier fired a stun grenade at us and my father and I were scared and confused. We quickly got into the car and drove away. At this point a soldier fired a tear gas canister which hit the back door of the car. I was so scared that I started to cry. My father told me not to be scared and he quickly left the area.